The Fauna of Lemnos
Interactive Map
Digital Exhibition
Educational App
3d models
The island’s diverse natural environment, which includes salt marshes, lagoons, agriculturally cultivated areas and meadows, areas with phrygana, stony soils, sand dunes, and sea bays, in combination with the limited use of pesticides, extensive use of land for free grazing, and sparse human occupation results in the creation of habitats in which the island’s diverse fauna can live, reproduce and thrive in. Furthermore, the island’s geographic location makes it an excellent resting place and refuge for many migrating species.
The Caspian whipsnake, Grass snake, Javelin sand boa, and the Dahl’s whip snake are among the reptiles found on Lemnos, the most of which are non-venomous, although the Eastern Montpellier snake is mildly venomous. The European glass lizard, a perfectly harmless lizard that resembles a snake, and Ophisops, a lizard without eyelids, may also be found here. The Balkan Pond turtle may be found in lakes, swamps, and salt flats, while the Greek Turtle can be found on your hike or walk. The surrounding sea is also home to the Mediterranean Seal Monachus monachus and the marine turtle Caretta caretta.
The island’s biodiversity includes an overpopulation of wild rabbits. Finally, an emblem of the island is the well-known fallow deer that were imported from Rhodes a few decades ago. These beautiful animals have multiplied and ramble freely along the slopes below the castle of Myrina.

This website was implemented with the co-financing of Greece and the European Union