Archaeological Site of the Prehistoric Settlement of Myrina, Lemnos
This prehistoric settlement existed simultaneously with the settlement of Poliochni, but according to the excavation data the settlement of Myrina reached its peak during the Red (2500-2300 BC) and Yellow (2300-2000 BC) period, as the remnants of household items of the earlier and later periods are limited.
Myrina was destroyed and damaged many times by strong seismic activity, causing the residents to build upon the ruins of destroyed homes, or repair the damage done.
Many stone tools were found at the site, out of which the most common was the grinder or millstone.
Only a small number of statuettes were found, in particular two small anthropomorphic clay figures. One of them is a representation of a female figure with mastoid protrusions on both sides.
Copper objects were the most common out of the metal items, while silver rings and a single silver pin with a conical head have been retrieved from the site.
Ο παρών ιστότοπος υλοποιήθηκε με τη συγχρηματοδότηση της Ελλάδας και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης