Temple of Artemis in Avlona Myrina
The site was excavated between 1991-1993 at the expense of the owner N. Tratarou. A large, central outdoor cobblestoned courtyard is included in the property. There were secondary chambers around the courtyard that were once utilized by the priests for storage supplies and the basic day-to-day operations of the temple. The sanctuary was enclosed by a double “wall,” and had two entrances, one viewing the city and the other the sea, which can indicate the existence of a small port in the bay. There were also three wells, as worship water was required for the rites. At the northwest end of the enclosure, excavators found a rectangular room that contained desks, suggesting that the room was where initiation and occult ceremonies took place.
From the archaic, classical, and Hellenistic periods, the sanctuary of Artemis remained in continuous use as a ceremonial temple for nearly eight centuries.
Many transportable items and antiques were discovered during the excavations, including ceramics, statuettes, perfume containers, textile weights, jewelry, and much more.
Ο παρών ιστότοπος υλοποιήθηκε με τη συγχρηματοδότηση της Ελλάδας και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης